7 Mistakes to Avoid while Building a Mobile Application in 2021

4 min readJun 25, 2021



The smartphone industry is a billion-dollar business with various possibilities of opportunity emerging with the advancement of technology. There was a time when many applications were created as a part of the Windows and iOS platforms, but now, with easier access to smartphones, customized applications and only mobile programs have become the latest business-making techniques. The Android and iOS phones have dominated the smartphone business in such a short time that everyone has started investing in building applications mainly for these platforms. The market predictions indicate a considerable growth in mobile apps for businesses in the coming years.

Mobile apps have become a successful and promising business career for many graduates and post-graduates. The Google Play Store and Apple App Store have over a million apps present in them that can generate tons of revenue in just in-app advertising. Moreover, creating a mobile app in the digital world is no longer rocket science. Anyone with a basic knowledge of Java and C++ language can easily develop a mobile application. Thousands of applications are created every year but not every app is used or appreciated by the customer. The reasons are many, and as you all know, mobile application development is a disruptive process involving gaining ideas and using the right innovations in technology.

The common mistakes to avoid while building a mobile application are:

  1. Creating an app when there is no need

Various business owners may approach us with a new idea every week, but the app developed would not expand their business as the app was not in demand much. So, it is safe to say that creating an app that is not in need is a terrible mistake for both the app developer and the business or company owner. The app you developed will have no users, which might put a significant burden on your business growth and face a considerable financial loss. The app should fulfill all your business objectives and attract users to connect and make purchases through the business app. So, identify the problem areas of your business and the requirement of customers. Then check whether the mobile app can fix the issues and live up to the expectation of your customers.

2. Insufficient research

The company owners have to research thoroughly before developing a business app. Developing an app involves many factors but keep in mind that the app should satisfy all the business objectives needed by the company. The primary may revolve around the nature of your business, target audiences, rival competition, and unique selling proposition. Meticulous research can save a ton of money before developing the right business app.

3. Improper budget planning:

Developing a custom mobile application requires app developers, designers, and marketing experts. The creating process may take a couple of weeks or even several months, depending on the features, functionalities, and overall complexity of the application. The ever-changing mobile technology has made app development more time-consuming and even more complicated. Enabling application integration in your business app can reduce tedious manual work for the owner.

4. Miscommunication on app’s design:

The owner should explain all the expectations and objectives of the app to be developed clearly to the developer. The developer can reference these features in a cloud software design that might help smoothen the developing process. Otherwise, the owner can sketch flowcharts or diagrams of the app, giving a simple explanation for every element to put in the app. Proper planning like this will help you set a realistic budget for the app development and get it done within the predicted budget.

5. Including way too many features and functions:

A great app is one that has some unique features and functions that can easily be used by consumers everywhere. But having every feature and function you can think of in the app is not the right idea. Although cloud-native development can build an app and improve its quality so quickly, it does not mean that adding many features will enhance the app’s reach. Every new function added to the app will cost you extra, and we do not know if the expensive features will be helpful for the customers.

6. Not creating a cross-platform strategy:

The most common mistake made by many developers in mobile app development is not developing a cross-platform strategy. A single platform app has almost become obsolete due to the availability of many advanced cross-platform mobile app development programs to help developers create apps for both Android and iOS. The Android development of an app may have several tools for creation, but an app’s iOS development may have only limited tools and developers for production.

7. Forgetting the main objective of the app:

However brilliant an app looks on the outside, not fulfilling the customer’s need or giving a terrible user experience will deem the app worse. So, try to focus on increasing your customer base and improving your user engagement rather than the app’s design. Apps created in react native development environment can try out various design and interactive user capabilities with the tool’s robust framework. Keep the end-user in mind while developing the app and include easy-to-use features, and make them happy.


The development of an app for mobile users is relatively an easy task in the modern era. The objectives of your app and business should complement each other to run a successful business. So, develop a business app that delivers the best user experience and makes significant money for the owner. Micropyramid offers one of the best mobile application development for small as well as large businesses. We offer customised android and react native development services.




Python, Django, Android and IOS, reactjs, react-native, AWS, Salesforce consulting & development company