Converting Audio and Video files using FFMPEG Tool
FFMPEG (Fast Forward Moving Pictures Expert Group):
FFmpeg is a command line tool used for performing various conversion operations on audio and video files.
FFMPEG Installation:
FFmpeg is free and open source. You’ll be able to install it on your Windows PC as well as your Linux server.
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-propertiessudo add-apt-repository ppa:kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-nextsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Basic Syntax:
The most basic form of an FFmpeg command
ffmpeg -i input_filename output_filename.extension
“ffmpeg” reads from an arbitrary number of input “files”, specified by the -i option, and writes to an arbitrary number of output “files”, which are specified by output filename.
import os
Input_file_path = '/home/xyz/Input_file_path.mp3'
Output_file_path = '/home/xyz/'(Path to store converted file)
os.system("ffmpeg -i "+Input_file_path+" -strict experimental "+Output_file_path+".extension")
This will convert the video/Audio to required formats.