Debugging in Python
When something goes wrong with your code instead of using standard debugging techniques such as print statements use debugging tools. I found two great tools for debugging.
- using the code module.
- pdb module.
1.using code module: This is very useful if your code working with out errors but dint give expected result.The code module has a function interact() which stops the program execution and opens a interactive python console that inherits the local scope of the line where the interact() method is called. In that console you can print variable values(instead of placing print statements in your code),examine the state of your code and fix the bug. Place the following line in your code where you want console to start.
import code
To exit the interactive console and continue with execution use Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Z or exit(). Lets have a look at following example.
#file: inc.pydef testing():
print 'before interact'
import code; code.interact(local=locals())
print 'after interact'testing()
The output is shown below:
ramya@ramya-ws:~/Desktop$ python
before interact
Python 2.7.4 (default, Sep 26 2013, 03:20:26)
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux2
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>>> print c
>>> print a
>>> print b
after interact