Okay, this is day two and i want to put fabric to develop some thing meaningful. Lets start with amazon EC2. I want to develop an interactive script where i get to choose ec2 region, ec2 flavour etc. being blessed with python we have boto, a swiss army knife for amazon web services. i assume you have all set (aws account, security group, key pair, access key id, secret access key) so this is not going to be fabric but i want this on the way as we need to create server then do stuff with faric.
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.colors import green as _green, yellow as _yellow
import boto
import boto.ec2
import timedef create_ec2():
ubuntu_images = { "ap-northeast-1":"ami-bfc0afbe",
ec2_region = ""
ec2_key = "your Access Key ID"
ec2_secret = "Secret Access Key"
ec2_key_pair = "key pair name you created in the region you will select in this program"
ec2_security = ("default",)
ec2_instancetype = "m1.small"
regions = boto.ec2.regions() i=0
for r in regions:
r = str(r)
if r[r.index(':')+1:] =="us-gov-west-1":
continue print str(i) + " : " + r[r.index(':')+1:]
i += 1 i = raw_input("your choice : ")
ec2_region = str(regions[int(i)])
ec2_region = ec2_region[ec2_region.index(':')+1:] conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(ec2_region, aws_access_key_id=ec2_key, aws_secret_access_key=ec2_secret)
print(_green("connected to : " + ec2_region))
print ubuntu_images[ec2_region]
reservation = conn.run_instances(ubuntu_images[ec2_region],
key_name = ec2_key_pair,
security_groups = ec2_security,
instance_type = ec2_instancetype
instance = reservation.instances[0]
while instance.state == u'pending':
print(_yellow("Instance state: %s" % instance.state))
print(_green("Instance state: %s" % instance.state)) print(_green("Instance created succeffully!")) print(_green("Allocating new elastic ip..."))
ip = conn.allocate_address()
print(_green("Attaching elastic ip to instance..."))
ip.associate(instance_id=instance.id) print(_green("Public dns: %s" % instance.public_dns_name)) print "Instance created and attached to public ip : " + ip.public_ip
now the out put is…
hotice@ashwin-ws:~$ fab create_ec2
0 : ap-southeast-1
1 : ap-southeast-2
2 : us-west-2
3 : us-east-1
4 : us-west-1
5 : sa-east-1
6 : ap-northeast-1
7 : eu-west-1
your choice : 3
connected to : us-east-1
Instance state: pending
Instance state: pending
Instance state: pending
Instance state: pending
Instance state: pending
Instance state: pending
Instance state: running
Instance created succeffully!
Allocating new elastic ip...
Attaching elastic ip to instance...
Public dns: ec2-54-196-108-1.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Instance created and attached to public ip :
okay… this is not fabric, this is just python boto script. as i said earlier, i will do the fabric stuff in next of this series…