How to backup and restore your database(mysql, postgresql, mongodb)

1 min readNov 8, 2017


In the production environments, data loss when we accidentally delete the files, or when server crashes or system fails, or when we applied migrations to the data that didn’t work so we don’t get previous data with the schema.

So we need to do data dump each time or every day when we do changes in the production

In this blog post, you will see how to take a backup, restore your database for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB databases.


Data Backup Command: mysqldump -u user_name -puser_password database_name > mysql_dump_fileData Restore Command:mysql -u username -p database_name < mysql_dump_file

user_name: Mysql username

password: Mysql Password

database_name: database name

mysql_dump_file: the file to which you want to dump the data


Data Backup Command:    psql -U user_name -h host_name db_name < pgsql_dump_fileData Restore Command:      psql -U user_name -h host_name db_name < pgsql_dump_file

user_name: MySQL username

password: Mysql Password

db_name: database name

pgsql_dump_file: the file to which you want to dump the data

Mongo db:

Data Backup Command:    mongodump --username user_name --password pass_word --db database_name --out path_to_your_dump_directory        
mongoexport --username user_name --password pass_word --db database_name --collection collection_name --out collection_name.json
Data Restore Command: mongorestore --username user_name --password pass_word --db database_name path_to_your_dump_directory
mongorestore --collection collection_name --db database_name path_to_your_dump_collection

user_name: mongo username

password: mongo Password

collection_name: database collection name

database_name: database name

The article was originally published at MicroPyramid blog.




Written by MicroPyramid

Python, Django, Android and IOS, reactjs, react-native, AWS, Salesforce consulting & development company

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