How to manage large data volumes using skinny tables and indexes
Skinny Table
In every case, it’s hard to deal with tables containing a huge number of records. You can make skinny tables to contain oftentimes utilized fields and to maintain a strategic distance from joins, and it keeps the skinny tables in a state of harmony with their source tables when the source tables are adjusted. Salesforce makes skinny table contains every utilized field and to stay away from joins, and it keeps the skinny tables in a state of synchronous with their source tables when the source tables are changed. To empower skinny tables, contact Salesforce Customer Support. Skinny tables are useful when you have Large Data Volumes (more than a great many records in the article). These tables improve the prepared just tasks like reports, SOQL inquiry exhibitions.
The following are pointers which clarify everything about Skinny Tables:
- Skinny tables are custom tables (read possibly) made by Salesforce whenever empowered by client care. These tables contain significant field data as opposed to putting away all field data which is available in the genuine items.
- Skinny tables can be made for Account, Contact, Opportunity, Lead, Case, and custom items.
- The stage naturally synchronizes the columns between the skinny table and the base object, so the information is constantly kept current.
- Delicate erase records ((i.e records in the Recycle Bin with isDeleted = genuine) are absent in Skinny tables which improves question yield.
- Custom files are additionally replicated if present in the base table.
- Skinny tables bolster just couple of information types(Checkbox,Date,Date and time,Email,Number,Percent,Phone,Picklist (multi-select),Text,Text area,Text zone (long),URL).
- The stage decides at inquiry runtime when it would bode well to utilize skinny tables, so you don’t need to change your reports or build up any Apex code or API calls.
- You have to contact salesforce client care so as to empower this.
The skinny table can accelerate inquiries. Rather than utilizing a date range like 01/01/19 to 12/31/19 — which involves a costly, rehashed calculation to make a yearly or year-to-date report — you can utilize a skinny table to incorporate a Year field and to channel on Year = ‘2019’.
Barely any focuses to recollect:
- It can contain a limit of 100 segments.
- It can’t contain fields from different items.
- Information just replicated to Full Sandboxes, however, can be enacted for different sandboxes on solicitation.