MySQL Setup and Security
1 min readApr 10, 2017
Installing MySQL:
apt-get install mysql-server
The above command installs MySQL server and its related components. you will be asked to setup a password for the root account.
Post Installation Measures:
Exposing MYSQL to External Applications:
Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and comment the line
bind-address =
you can change the port to some no standard ports by changing
port = 3306 ----> any port you like
Restart Mysql server with
service mysql restart
This will expose your database, but there are no users that can connect to it. create a database and assign a user to it.
create database test;
grant all privileges on test.l* to test-user@"%" identified by "<some-secret-password>";
This way test-user can connect to database test from any PC.
Few Security tips:
- If only applications are meant to be connected setup firewall rules to specific IP Addresses to connect to that port.
- you can change location and encrypt mysql MySQL
- change admin username from root.