Streaming Protocols continued… RTMP, MMS

2 min readMar 30, 2017

Streaming is the technique for transferring data at fixed rate in real time between the client and the server. There are many streaming protocols available for streaming data. HTTP, RTSP, MMS, RTMP, RTP, MSB, MBSD, RTCP etc. are the streaming protocols.

RTMP refers to a proprietary protocol developed by Adobe systems for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet between a flash player and a flash media server. RTMP is a sophisticated TCP based real time networking protocol designed for high performance transmissions at low bandwidth.The default port for RTMP connections is 1935. Adobe flash player by default supports playback of audio streamed from RTMP server, gnash an open source replacement for the Flash Player on the Linux platform, supports RTMP streaming for Linux.. RTMP supports servers like Red5, Wowza, FlashmediaServer, Weborb, crtmpserver. RTMP supports MP3 and aac formats. RTMP is preferred than HTTP protocol due to its enhanced security/IP protection, Multicast support, player interactivity, plugin penetration. RTMP server provides statistical details of client communication with the server.

MMS(Microsoft Media Server Protocol) is a Microsoft Proprietary streaming protocol to transfer real time multimedia from Windows Media Services to Windows Media Player. Usage of this protocol is preferred when Client is streaming from a server that does not support Windows media HTTP streaming protocol or RTSP Windows media extension. MMS is transferred using TCP and UDP connections, the default port is 1755. The streaming data using MMS protocol is carried out asynchronously with concurrent programming. The client can send MMS Protocol request messages to the server over the TCP connection, requesting the server to perform actions such as starting and stopping the flow of multimedia data. The multimedia data is transferred either over the same TCP connection or as a flow of UDP packets. While the server is transmitting multimedia data to the client, the client can send MMS Protocol messages to the server, requesting that it change the stream being transmitted.

The article was originally published at MicroPyramid blog.




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